lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Fist Impression

Here I am, almost 8:30 pm ... I'm confused, I have nothing in my mind, things come and go, but nothing remains. My brain will collapse, there are so many things I want to talk about, but there are no words to express myself. The night is dark, no clouds in the sky, the moon does not shine as always, the weather is cold. And here I am again away from all communication, trying to concentrate, in my bed with my favorite blanket, listening to ‘Trading Yesterday '. Now that I think about it, several people told me to write about my best friend, but I leave that topic for the final, I want to make it interesting. So today I'll talk about first impressions. First Impression is a common theme, but each person has a different perspective to see it. In my view, is not very important, and least in Guatemala. People usually judge others before knowing them, criticizing every aspect of a person and comments or rumors created a bad reputation. The people here talk, judge without knowing, and they do not think about what might happen in the future. For me, the first impression is neither more nor less important. first, second or last impression is the same, the first impression is never right, it takes time to know the person, I cannot judge without knowing, nor speak without knowing.

Some months ago, I met a person and the day I met her, everything changed, my impression changed over her completely. She is not common; her personality is strong, shows confidence with every step, and has a strong look. She is short, thin, blonde, long hair, tanned, big eyes, and strange nose but fit with her face. People had a bad impression of her, why? People create rumors and make conclusions. They created her a bad reputation, and when she met someone, she could not change what they thought about her. The first impression she gave was false, the day I met her I was in my house, and she came because she's a friend of my sisters.

 That day changed the way I see her, she was not the person for whom everyone was talking about, which all were saying nasty things. She is a shy, honest, sincere, confident, good person, with a big heart, loving, and educated person. The things said about her vanished gradually, was a false theory, created by people with no heart, for people who do not appreciate themselves.

So as I mentioned before, each person takes things in different ways, and this may be my way of thinking about first impressions. But I do not believe in them, is something so wrong. I prefer to know people better, and then see the impression they give me.  Why the first impression for some people is so important? Not all have happy lives, and maybe they judge someone because they met them at a bad time or moment, and that is was the impression he gave.
In short, first impressions are worth nothing, everything is in the heart. If you're a good person you will not feel superior to anyone. We are all equal, we all deserve the same. We all need the opportunity to make ourselves known, to show how we are.

It’s pretty simple, pretty obvious: that people’s first impression of people is a really big mistake, sometimes they miss who a person really is. – Vincent D’Onofrio.

Sometimes for the bad first impression, we lose the opportunity to meet someone that maybe can mean a lot to us at some point in our life. . We shut and avoid communication with those people, to avoid having another impression. Everyone deserves a second chance; sometimes the first impression is wrong. You never know what can happen. Life is to provide opportunities, and to receive and enjoy them. Remember that not everything we hear is real, only what we live is what is real. We need the opportunity to meet people, create new friendships and share with others, do not allow comments, rumors, etc ... ruin the impression that we have on a person, until you do not see it, do not believe it.  

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